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Page 19 of 19 Pages

Although no new appointments were completed, many applications were generated from participant high schools and we were able to make our program more visible through contacts with key counselors at targeted high schools. Based on positive feed back from NASM, NZP, OIRM and other targeted organizations, we anticipate the number of student trainees will double in the FY 1985 FJFP.

[[underlined]]Awards For Minority Museum Professionals[[/underlined]]

A new endeavor in 1984 by the Training Program and the Native American Museums Program of the Office of Museum Programs was "Awards for Minority Museum Professionals" providing up to $500 for seventeen museum professionals to stay in residence for two weeks at the Smithsonian. The professionals attended a selected workshop from the Washington-based series for 3-5 days and spent the remainder of their time in individual study at the Institution. During the second week the professionals had access to Smithsonian collections, staff and facilities on a scheduled basis. Their programs incorporated meetings, tours, demonstrations, visits to laboratories and observations of specialized techniques and programs in action. The participants represented fourteen states and include three Native Americans, two Hispanics, one Asian and eleven Blacks. Matching funds were provided by the Office of Equal Opportunity.