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Tropoclum --- fol integ. & puberal long spur flos large about canals at Lima & Callao probably not native.

Oxalis ----- flos pale purple umbellate root tuberous - Amancais -

--- ---- small obcordate leaves - yellow flos (Yanga
------ --- tuberous root: cal lacin broad at base flos yellow red at first Amancais & of Banos

Zygophyllece ----- appressed to ground small flos 5 carpels upland near Yanga

Colletia? ------ - green stems and opposite spines fol integ - no flor below Yaso rather rare

Schinus molle --- abundant from Yanga to Yaso also at Lima 10 to 20 feet.

Crotalaria ----- trifoliate - yellow flos, pods hairy, river bed near Callao

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Spartina Juncia ---- Naturalized abundantly from Callao to Obrajillo, and it is said all over Peru pods hairy

Desmodum ---- large purple flower Callao.

-- ------- softly pubescent - flos very small - green and purple, -pod three jointed Callao (B)

--- ------- more hairy Lima-

Vicia ---- .. 1 ft. small blue flos, among grass in rather dry situations near Callao - rare.

Dolychos glycinoides? --- yellow flos like [[Butso-bus?]]: pods hairy, -abundant among -grasses and bushes -at Callao also at -Lima