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Phaseolus Truxillenses.? - | large rose coloured flos near coast at Callao - pods compressed - foliol broad.

haseolus bestitus Mathews - | foliol oboval undulate, pods pubiscent, flos blackish purple. Callao

Phaseolus bestitus Mathews - | perhaps 2 species - pedundes very long, foliol smoothish sub voluma 2/8 inch, flos same, river bed at Luna

Cassia Bestitus Mathews - | near Chamachrisha -

Cassia Bestitus Mathews - | near Marglandica (callao Pubescent all over and pods. 6 to 8 ft below yaso rare

Indigofera- | branching shrub 2 to 6 feet, flos red, river bead at Callao

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Poiniciana spirosa Ferislle - | "Tarn" F39) shrub with a forest habit 10 ro 20 feet Lima to Yaso.

Bauhima -  | shrub 10 feet, short spine, no flos, one only near house 3 miles above Lima {[?]] aps, not nature here.

Leg - | shrub 15 ft. panicles of yellow flos like cassia - one only between Yanga and Yaso.

Poincina ? -| procumbent and viscous slender stems, flos yell, pod compressed sistose. calyx equal, fol terminate primate 6 jupose - Mt ridge near Yanga

Acacia - [[?]] - | Prostrate flos yell. pod not articulate - Callao.

Transcription Notes:
Calleo Peru This helps