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[[2 columns]]
Atropa umbellata R&P ---- | fol cordate petiolate entire - 2/3 in, corol tub 1 in. ornamental, below Culuai

----bicolor R&P ---- | fol broad ovate acute at each end: corol 1/4, broader dull red with green tips, cal lacin broad short -- Obrajillo & Baños

Solanoid ---- |  ornamental shrub 4 - 6 ft. fol smooth entire elliptical, corymbs term petals white somewhat coriace, abounds below Culuai - 

Nicotiana ---- | near red sp of coast fol narrower flos greenish - Baños

Carica? ---- | broad cordate entire leaf white tomentose below 8 by 5 in [[strikethrough]] i [[/strikethrough]] 1 league below Obrajillo if Armancaes

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Hyptis ---- | if H. spicata fol almost cordate, cal 5 equal lin teeth - below Obrajillo

Scutellaria? ---- | flos scarlet hairy 1/2 in, common at Obrajillo, very showey

Salvia ---- | long scarlet flos broad bracts flos solit, fol ovate serrate 1/2 in, below Obrajillo

"[[ditto for Salvia]] ---- | scarlet very hairy corol floral bracts narrower stem at base rather smooth, fol broad at base - Obrajillo an ead - below Yaso -

----sagittata R&P ---- | fol hastate calyx & large corol very deep blue, ornamental, above Obrajillo - rare -

---- "[ditto for Sagittata]]---- | fol blue, corol twice length of calyx, fol broad ovate petiol, abundant at Obrajillo &c

Salvioid - | cal 5 long acuminate teeth, tube corol scarlet 1 1/4 in. with slight obtuse divis at summit, fol cord pet rugose pubese - Obrajillo

Gardoquia? - | cal 5 equal teeth, corol 3/4 in long - short equal segments, shrubs 2-6 feet fol 1/8 in invol white below, common at Obrajill0 & Baños