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Secretary's Report

Secretary Adams presented a number of topics which were quite tentative or of rather recent origin as the business of the Smithsonian and which were therefore not reflected in the status reports and other agenda papers distributed in advance of the meeting.


With assistance from Dr. Challinor, Mr. Adams reminded the Regents of the Smithsonian's interest in working with the National Academy of Sciences to establish a National Science Resources Center to reinvigorate the teaching of science and mathematics in the nation's schools.  They reported on a recent planning conference at the National Academy where it was learned that the previously cited unmet needs in science education are becoming increasingly acute.  It also surfaced at the conference that there is high interest in the Center from both the corporate side and the education section of the National Science Foundation.  The Center would not undertake the development of new curricula but would rather test new ideas and disseminate innovations to enhance existing curricula.  It would have the dual objectives of trying to increase the amount of science education being offered in the schools and to inspire excellence in science and math for the relative handful of extremely promising young students.  The Secretary thought this would be an important form of outreach with which the Smithsonian should be associated.


Mr. Adams reported that a high-level committee is being formed to assist in the Cooper-Hewitt Museum's capital campaign for $11.5 million.  The committee has attracted the participation of six members of the