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discussion it was acknowledged that the Air and Space Museum facility could significantly enhance the attractiveness of careers in science, aeronautics, and astronautics and thus have an important impact on elementary and secondary education.  Dr. Gell-Mann expressed his hope that with these new facilities, and with the resources currently in hand, the Air and Space Museum would supplement its active collection of space vehicles by focusing on the fascinating questions which have been answered by space exploration about the structure and origin of the solar system and the origin of the universe.

The following motion was suggested by Senator Garn and approved by the Board:

VOTED that the Board of Regents is most appreciative of efforts by the Washington Dulles Task Force to provide an interim facility at Washington Dulles International Airport for the storage and exhibition of the Space Shuttle Enterprise and related artifacts.  Recognizing the Smithsonian's continuing need for an orderly approach to establishing its construction priorities, the Regents agree that the Task Force proposal should be reviewed by the Secretary, in concert with the Office of Management and Budget and cognizant committees of the Congress, to determine whether this proposal is in the best interests of the Institution and the public, and the effect it may have on the Institution's own efforts to secure authorization for the planning and construction of a permanent facility for the National Air and Space Museum at Dulles.  The Secretary's findings should be presented to the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents for its consideration.