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inventory status changed. The National Museum of Natural History destroyed or transferred to its Naturalist Center some 7,349 specimens including 7,269 mollusks, 16 mounted mammal heads, and more than 64 fish (some of the fish were deteriorated beyond distinction between discrete specimens). In addition, 29,104 specimens and 68 boxes of Mexican archaeological material were given to other institutions.

In each instance, the museums followed procedures outlined in officially approved collections management policies, including review by cognizant Boards of Trustees and Commissioners, appropriate Assistant Secretaries, and, in high value instances, the Secretary and the Executive Committee of the Board of Regents.

[[underlined]] National Portrait Gallery Commission [[/underlined]]

Mr. Adams reported that at its November 13, 1985 meeting, the Commission of the National Portrait Gallery unanimously resolved to recommend that the Board of Regents reappoint Thomas M. Evans, Robert Morgan, Barry Bingham, Sr., and Katie Louchheim Klopfer to the Commission to six-year terms expiring in January 1992.

Accordingly, the following motion was approved:

VOTED that the Board of Regents reappoints Thomas M. Evans, Robert Morgan, Barry Bingham, Sr., and Katie Louchheim Klopfer to the Commission of the National Portrait Gallery to terms expiring in January 1992.

A list of the current membership of the National Portrait Gallery Commission follows.