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[[underline]] Adjournment [[/underline]]

The meeting of the Board of Regents was adjourned at approximately 12 noon and was followed by an informal luncheon for the Regents and members of the Secretary's Management Committee in the Library of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

[[underline]] Regents' Dinner [[/underline]]

The traditional Regents' Dinner was held in honor of former Under Secretary Phillip S. Hughes in the Palm Court of the National Museum of American History on the preceding evening, January 26, 1986. After dinner Mr. Adams rose to welcome the guests, speak with warm appreciation for Mr. Hughes, and introduce the Chancellor. The Chancellor honored Mr. Hughes by presenting to him a handsomely prepared and framed copy of the Regents' resolution from May 6, 1985 and announced that, as a lasting token of their gratitude, the Regents have arranged for a twenty-foot American holly tree to be planted this spring at the Hughes' residence. Mr. Hughes thanked the Chancellor and the Regents for these honors and expressed his appreciation to those who, in his mind, have made the Smithsonian a unique and enduring institution: the Regents, the Secretaries and their staff, and members of Congress who have exercised thoughtful oversight.

[[underline]] Next Meetings: [[/underline]]

-- Executive Committee: Monday, April 9, 1986, Noon
-- Regents' Dinner: Sunday, May 4, 1986
-- Board of Regents' Meeting: Monday, May 5, 1986, 9 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,
[[signed]] Robert McC. Adams [[/signed]]
Robert McC. Adams