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The Telecommunications office is also involved in production and distribution of three on-going broadcast projects. HERE AT THE SMITHSONIAN..., a series of short features for television launched its fifth season in mid-March with a change from tape distribution to satellite and a new line-up of 128 subscribing television stations. RADIO SMITHSONIAN, a weekly award-winning program in its seventeenth season, is broadcast in seven of the top ten markets with a potential weekly audience of four million people. SMITHSONIAN GALAXY, a series of short radio features, continues its successful run over 200 stations nation-wide.

[[underlined]] Adjournment [[/underlined]]

The meeting of the Board of Regents was adjourned at approximately 11:15 a.m. and was followed by an informal luncheon for the Regents and members of the Secretary's Management Committee in the Library of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars.

[[underlined]] Regents' Dinner [[/underlined]]

The traditional Regents' Dinner was held in the Renwick Gallery on the preceding evening, May 4, 1986. After dinner Mr. Adams rose to welcome the guests on behalf of the Chancellor and the Regents. In addition he offered some observations on the concept of "crafts" throughout history and gave a brief chronology of the various roles played by the Renwick building and its development as a Smithsonian gallery devoted to the display of crafts as art. Concluding his remarks, the Secretary informed the guests that the Gallery's director, Lloyd Herman, has announced that he will be leaving his post, and