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Malva cal 5 parted, carpels 5 district . fol hastate devtake,
      New Castle.
Trionum if J. vesicavinum rorld situtation. Illau-ava,
     fol digitate. 
Sterculia heterophylla - Cury jong. 30 ft. and tpreadis 
      fol sometimes 3 fid. Pever-Brier
Ruligia corylifolia. 16 to 18 ft - Sydney. 
Lasiopetalum fol lanceolate corddate and base. Sydney.
[[ditto]]Lasiopetalum[[/ditto]] fol him. lane - [[ditto]]Sydney[[/ditto]]
Dodoncea .....not viscous, 
     Sydney - 
.....excessively viscous, 
     Peuru Beuru
.....but primated 
     leaves-fol & fich
     apex, shrrik,
     Percerrur Beurer
Correa .....tomrut fol
     white below,