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Geranium...fol broad incised pilose, fr short beaked; [[Peuren Becuum??]] 
.......entirely habit of carolinian fol deeply parted, flos small; [[Peuren Becuum?]].
.........much the habit of maculatuum, [[Ronen?]] Hunter--

pelargonium.....semiform [[?]] short beak, [[Pecum Becuum?]], Perhaps not native?
...........soft [[?]] leaves rounded inconspii, maritime sands Newcastle and near Sydney
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Oxalis.....fol soft pubescent foliol biloli.--Illouvara
..........upright habit of stricta, but dense [[?]]; common
 on upper Hunter.

Teierieae?^[[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]]......fol tunate 3 carp lower hunter
.......appar'2d sp. short leaves. Sydney B

Crowea saligna...Syndey B -
[[ditto for Crowea saligna]]....humble, foliage lancealate antic, Newcastle

Rutacea.......low shrubby, fol trifol [[?]] flos. small. Sydney [[B?]]