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[[pages organized into botanical name left justified and descriptions in a narrow right justified column]]

Diosmoid _ _ _ fol short linear punctate, carpels gland: Sydney

? _ _ _ succulent crowded leaves large green papilloma. Sydney

Criostemon ? single terminal flower — Sydney
"[[ditto for: Criostemon]] cricoid shrub about 10 about 10 pubes stamens - flor light purple solitary. Sydney
"[[ditto for: criostemon]] large purple flor.pubescent entire. Sydney
"[[ditto for: criostemon]] lance obtuse fleshly leaves.  Sydney

Boronia alata _ _ _ pinnate leaves Sydney B -

_ _ _ fol ob long opposite flr term.  Sydney

(* Pomaderris to Hosachia)

Ononis _ _ _ fol. tufol. [[duct?]]. Hunter

Psoralia _ _ _ 5 fol. [[? ?]]

Tsoral ? _ _ _ toothed leaflets, [[? ? ]]

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S. E. Australia -

Pomaderris _ _ _ north shore near Sydney B

[[Bossi?]] Scalopendrium _ _ _ common about Sydney

_ _ _ linophylla _ _ _ Sydney B.

_ _ _? _ _ _ _ long. lin. lean pods like mimosa but short; lower Hunter

Dillurynia _ _ _ [[Erecoid?]] shrub, fol lin papill, pod short appa 1 seed — Sydney B.

_ _ _ [[? ?]] leaves, very short ovoid pod.  Sydney B-

Callistachys _ _ _ pods long, soft hairs, Sydney B

Hovea _ _ _ lin leaves, Sydney B -

_ _ _ shrub low lean pod like [[Aviumina?]]. [[? ?]]

[[Danesia?]] _ _ _ fol spinescent at tip, also young branchlets; short pod; Sydney B—

_ _ _ branch not spinose, folacic pointed 3/4 [[?]] pod triangle? Sydney B —

_ _ _ ? _ axial flos. fol soft hairs; Sydney B —

_ _ _? _ fol like acac lanc coriac [[?]] pad trigon. [[? ?]] 

Transcription Notes:
Dillurynia = Dillenia??