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[[2 columns]]
※Lobelia Sc

Sencapogon - | like Tahiti, but larger, Sydney

-?--- | berried young branch pubescent. P. Buen

-- | flos inconspic very small. Sydney B

-?--- | caps like white buds, axillary racemes; Sydney

---- | perhaps diff. shrub with spreading top 9 to 15 feet. N Castle

Dracophyllum - | habit Clifortia, long leaves Sydney

"[[ditto for Dracophyllum]] - | Illawara

"[[ditto for Dracophyllum]] - smaller - Illawara

"[[ditto for Dracophyllum]] - | perhaps diff. Sydney.

Styphelia - | small white flos hairy inside, fol lin acute. Sydney B

---- | flo term clust, fol 1/10 in oltuse. Sydney B

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[[start page]]

※    S.E. Australia.

Lobelia - | long lin capsule like Anothera cf L. Alata - lower Hunter - 

---- | viola habit, weak herb, fol ovate dentate, banks streams Pewen Bewen

---- | habit Lobelia longiflora Ꙩ fol lyrate deep incised linear segm, long tub corol, Pewen Bewen

---- | smooth, fol few lanc, long spike of deep blue flos - Pewen Bewen -

---- | Ꙩ simple fol few lin, flos blue large, caps oblong - Pewen Bewen - 

----  | fol lyrate dent hairy, flos long pedunc blue, common - Newcastle

---- | hairy large purple flos, Newcastle, occasionally - 

-?--- | succulent Anothera habit, short cal teeth; maritime sands Newcastle - 

---- | or Gooden, long tube, small flos, lower leaves dentate; Illawara Rich - 

Velleja Lyrata? - | large yell rad, leaves lyrate pinnate - Pewen Bewen _ 

Transcription Notes:
Plant List Angiosperms Ericaceae Dracophyllum Plant List Angiosperms Ericaceae Styphelia Plant List Angiosperms Goodeniaceae Velleia Velleia lyrata(mispelled above??)