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[[2 columns]]

Euthales? - | but caps super & spur to corol like Antirrhin, but yellow inside, fol rad obov atten, Pewen Bewen -

Dampiera? - | corol pubescent, exterm, flors mostly term smooth multicaul leaves like Bacchaers, lower Hunter

Goodenia - | fol large cordate denticul, flos yell; Newcastle

---- | fol mostly ead, scapes num corymbose branch bracts cordate small, flos yellow - Sydney B -

---- | creeping, fol ovate dent, flos yell long pedunc, Sydney B

---- | if g.repuns habit pratia larger prostrate rad fol spath, Illawara Rich -- mountains --

---- | fol mostly linear, flos at sumn yellow, Sydney B-

-?--- | leafy herb weak decumb Roella habit, fol lanc 1 in toothed - Sydney B - 

Stylidum - | item and margin of leaf slightly hairy Newcas

---- | cal glandular pubesc, Sydney B -

---- | 3 ft, lont grassy leaves pubesc paic, Illawara Rich

---- | smooth glassy leaves stem prolifer sometimes 3 tiers of leaves, Sydney

---- | finest leaves not ciliate on margin, Sydney B & CP -

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Epacris? = | reflexed leaves sessile axill flos, lower Hunter

---- ? | broad large leaf long tub flr like Conicera, Sydney B = 

- grandiflora --- | flos tub scarlet, yellow apex [[strikethrough]] Scarlet [[/strikethrough]]. Sydney - 

----? | flos rather large fol not pointed - Sydney B -

- pulchella --- | Sydney. B -

---- | minute [[strikethrough]] flos [[/striekthrough]] leaves crowded flos - Sydney

----? | fol 1 in mucronate - Sydney B & C.P.

---- | very short broad reflected leaves - Sydney B & C.P-

Leysinema - | large white funnel shaped flos. Sydney.B -

Monotoca? - | racine & axill fol lanc obtuse like Septosperma fr 5 ang: Pewen Bewen - 

Sternanthera pinifolia - | 6 - 12 in common near Sydney -