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Marsdenia Suaveolens R. B. _ _ _ 1 foot upright branching pubesc stem and mid ribs, fol ovate smooth, hills at Newcastle

Gomphocarpus _ _ _ prickly inflated fruit, herb 2 to 3 fr, Sydney

Gonoloboid_ _ _tender herb small purple flos, fol ovate acuminate petiolate; Illawara

_ _ _2ÍŠ sp small; Sydney. smaller Illawara

_ _ _ purple delicate flos; Sydney of priced

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Echitoid ? _ _ _ term and axillary panic fol oblong ovate, petiolate retic velutin below vine. Illawara

Cynanchoid _ _ _ short pubescence, sflos very small greenish, fol ellipt smooth above; Illawara

Erythraea_ _ _Illawara  Rich

_ _ _ broad leaved lower Hunter if [[?]]?

Gentianoid?_ _ _op lin leaves, capit like Allium. large scarious invol; Sydney B