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[[2 columns]]

Chenopodioid - | fol 1 in lanc. flos small like Phyllanth, but 5 petals, lower Hunter?

Chenopodium - | near maritmam "Lake" at Illawara, [[underlined]]maritime [[/underlined]] Rich

[[strikethrough]] Chenopodum - | fol lin lanc flos small like phyllanth but 5 petals lower Hunter [[/strikethrough]]

Chenopodium - | 2ͩ sp near marit', Sydney B - 

Phytolacca - | term racine, fol broad lanc, Sydney B

Polygonum - near sagittifol, fol almost linear auric base, swamp on lower Hunter, Green Hills - 

--- [[ditto for Polygonum]]| scandent fol hastate. Pewen Bewen -

--- [[ditto for Polygonum]]| bis? large split ochrae, Illawara Rich - 

----[[ditto for Polygonum]] | like mite wet places; Illawara Rich - 

Acetosella - | fol simply spathul, Sydney B -

Rumex - | upright slender fol lanc no granuly valves crested long [[?seta]] - Pewen Bewen

Cassyta - | flos smaller tha Polynesian - Newcastle

---- [[ditto for Cassyta]] | smooth smaller than S. Sea, lower Hunter

----[[ditto for Cassyta]] | 3ͩ sp thicker than S. Sea slightly pubual, Sydney B -

-- pubescius --- | pubescent Sydney B -

[[insertion]] "[[ditto for Cassyta]] - | large smooth; fruit very large - Sydney [[/insertion]]

Sanioid? - | fol glanc entire acute at each end cal about 6 cleft; - Illawara - Rich

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S. E. Australia

Persoonia - | small tree 15-20 ft, fol lin lance acute young stems pubescent, hills at Pewen Bewen

-- [[ditto for Persoonia]] linear-- | Sydney B

---- | broad leaved smooth small tree 15-20 ft common at Sydney & Newcastle?

---- | Ericoid but rather large strigose leaves, Sydney

---- | lanc leaves, Sydney B & C.P. -

---?- | fol lin 1/2 in, flos mostly term small; Sydney B -

Hakea - | thick cylind leav Sydney B -

----? | fol obov. atten fr wood seedy; Newcastle - 

---- | rigid tortuous shrub branching 3 - 6 ft. small spieny caps, Sydney B & C.P.

---- | toment leaves, Sydney B & C.P. -

---- | slender subul leaves; Sydney B & C.P. - 

---- | 8 ft simple small fruit, Sydney B - 

Banksia - | long leaved green both sides, Sydney B -

---- | very broad leaves pubescent below; Sydney B - 

---- | linear; Sydney C.P. - 

[[?]]ifolia - | small branching tree 20 ft. Sydney

---- | lanceolate few teeth; Sydney.

---- | lance entire leaves. frt small; Sydney