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_ _ _  fol curscate dent, white below, young stems & leaves rusty; Sydney B .—

_ _ _broader and larger leaves; Sidney

_ _ _ smallest lin leave somewhat habit of Isopogon; Sydney

Grevillea blecknifolia _ _ _ cult from Mouton Bay

_ _ _oval pubesc small leaves, Sydney

_ _ _ lin lanc leaves slender habit; Sydney C.P.—

_ _ _ 4th sp Sydney C.P.

_ _ _ fol 2/3 in broad lanc pubesc below & stem; Sydney

_ _ robusta _ _ _ leaves & habit young oak, 15-20 ft. cult from Mouton bay

Somatia salaifolia _ _ _ 2-3 ft; common at Sydney —

Somatia salaifolia _ _ _ 2-3 ft; common at Sydney

Tetopea speciossissima _ _ _shrub common near Sydney

Xylomelum pyriform _ _ _ 2-3 feet. common [[strikethrough]]near[[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]][[/insertion]]Sydney

Petrophila _ _ _ white floss. scales acum; Sydney B.—

Isopogon _ _ _ compact cone segment(leaves) cylinder; Sydney B.& C.

_ _ _? _flattened segm; Sydney—

gen prot _ _ _ strub 1-2 ft.Cricoid falcate leaves, flos term - clust pink tips, common at Sydney —

sternocarpus? _ racime or corymb on long naked pedunc 1-2 ft. common at Sydney—

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_ _ _ 2ͩ sp. fol. lanc [1 in num — Sydney B—

_ _ _ 3ͩ sp leafy almost to sumn - Sydney B—

_ _ _ 4th sp short leaved villous stem; Sydney B—

_ _ _ 5th sp. fol short linear — Sydney B—

Daphne - - north shore near Sydney C.P.

Pimelos _ _ _ smooth, fol lanc broad floral leaves, common on upper Hunter

_ _ _ short lin leaves no invol, long soft hairs, Pewen Bewen

_ _ _ smooth lin lanc leaves, Sydney C.P.

_ _ _ 18 in much branched fol oblong [[?]], Sydney B

_ _ _ invol multicaul lin lanc leaves. Sydney B

Thesum _ _?_ lin leaves multicaul branch, Pewen Bewen

Exocarpus _ _ _30 ft straight stem habit of Gasuakina but dense branchlets — Sydney & Pewen Bewen

_ _ _ cal not fleshy,Illawara _ Rich—

_ _ _ osyris habit fol rare, minute, ovate tensile; Sydney B—

Aristolochia _ _ _ small creeping,uniform leaves, no flos.  maritime Newcastle 

Amperea _ _ _ coral 4 fid stam about 8 [[?]] very small; Illawara Rich & Sydney —

Euphorbia_ _ _glaucous habit cordâta ell; Pewen Bewen

Transcription Notes:
Pimelos = pomelos??