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 [[2 columns]]

Gauria - | lin segments, hills at P Bewen, segm terminate in spine.

Orch - | flos large purple spotted; Sudney

Sisyrhinchioid - | very large hard bracts; hills at Newcastle

"[[ditto for Sisyrhinchioid]] - | spathes very large, large blue flos, stem wooly before spathe; Sydney

"[[ditto for sisyrhinchioid]] - | 3ÍŠ sp. stem smooth. spathe more elongat sydney

"[[ditto for Sisyrhinchioid]] - | more like N American; P. Buen

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Bermannia? - | flos rather large, blue; hills at New castle - rare

Blandfordia nobilis - | common in white sand, Sydney monopitalous 3 to 4 feet; Showey

Calostemma - | cult at Sydney

[[strikethrough]] Criscum  [[strikethrough]] Crinum - | umbels many flod; banks of lower hunter -

Smilax glychiphylla Br - | fol glaucous below: Sydney c. p.

"[[ditto for Smilax glychiphylla]] - | fol large [[strikethrough]] lanc [[/strikethrough]] retic. Illawara

Transcription Notes:
Plant List Sisyrinchium..think he misspelled w/extra h - "oid " means like Plant List Angiosperms Amaryllidaceae Calostemma