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Dianella _ _ _ Sydney, Pewen Buen

"[[ditto for: Dianella]] ? _ _ _ leafy to fr Branch in fr: Pewen Buen

"[[ditto for: Dianella]]? _ _ _broad leaf serrated margin and mid rib.; P. Buen

"[[ditto for: Dianella]]? _ _ _ style very long large stigma, fol 1/3 in -;  Illawara Rich

Xanthorrhea hastilis _ _ _common Sydney and Hunter;

"[[ditto for: Xanthorrhea]] - _ _ if Xerophyllum stemless, fol grass like; Newcastle triqueter.

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[[Menanthai? _ _ _ inconspicuous flos grass like twisted leaves; Sydney B

"[[ditto for Menanthai]]? _ _ _ very long linear ha leaf; Sydney B.

Xerotes rigida Br _ _ _longest tufts; on shore of Sydney harbor

"[[ditto for: Xerotes]] _ _ _inflor rad caps 3 valved; Pewen Buen

"[[ditto for: Xerotes]]_ _ _smaller than coast species, fol 3 pointed- Pewen Buen

"[[ditto for: Xerotes]]_ _ _habit of [[insertion]]last[[/insertion]] [[?]] Sydney B

"[[ditto for: Xerotes]]_ _ _ long cylind leaf Sydney B__.

Transcription Notes: