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[[2 columns]]

Gahmoid - | tall, fol linear; lower Hunter

---- | long many fld panic, [[strikethrough]] not expand marsh near sydney [[/strikethrough]] [[insertion]] seed like Lelenia Illawara.

[[insertion]] "[[ditto for Gahmoid]] 12 ft; long panic. not expand; marsh near Sydney [[/insertion]]

Schoenoid - | 2 ft. term fascie; shore at Sydney

"[[ditto for Schoenoid]] - | broad flat compressed stem; Sydney

[[insertion]] "[[ditto for Schoenoid]] Grapy, invol terminal cluster flos, filiform rad fol, Sydney [[/insertion]]

Rhynchospyioid - | inconspic axill clusters; Pe Bewen

"[[ditto for Rhynchospyioid]] habit of N. amercn Lydnia

Gussonia - | 1 ft. shore at Sydney wet ground

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[[start page]]

Eleochaus - | 2 ft. pool at Pewen Bewen

"[ditto for Eleochaus]] - | almost capillory; pool at Pewen Bewen

[[ditto for Eleochaus]] - | near articulaters 4 ft. Illawara

Scirpus - | like maritime, swamp back of green hills.

"[[ditto for Scirpus]] - | spikes in term capit or clusters; lower Hunter

"[[ditto for Scirpus]] - | capit glorn; near shore at Sydney

Scirp -  | 3 feet an cup stem 1 broad bracts flos congest panic: Sydney

[[insertion]] Isolepis like Savai, 4 inch, lat spikelets - Lower Hunter s Sydney

Transcription Notes:
Plant List>Scirpus