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Phleoid --?--|  very long bristly auris; Pewen Bewen

Gram? ---- | leaf almost abort. habit of Restio- corol apparen 3 glumes - style 3. Sydney

Cenchens---- spiked small flos; Pewen Bewen 

Cynodon,---- | short leaved. Newcastle.

[[insertion]] "[[ditto for Cyndon]] common on Hunter consid val grab, perhaps diff. narrow leaves [/insertion]]

Gram ---- | 4 in. term congested racine, glum cartilaginous, lower Hunter

[[insertion]] Spinipex appears same as N Zealand maritime, N. Castle

Sipturus ---- | lower Hunter

Stipoid cal 1 valve very short, broad long awns at base of corol. Hunter [[/insertion]]

Gram ---- | like dactylis glom. lower Hunter

Brisa minor ---- | introduced. lower Hunter

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Chara ---- | large smooth, - lower Hunter

---- | smaller species - Hunter 

Lycopodum ---- | Hypnoid 6-8 in upright, fruit axill, rare. Sydney

"[[ditto for Lycopodum]] ---- | habit of Caroline but several lateral spikes - Sydney B.

Psilotum ---- | 3 to 4 in. Sydney B.

Masselia ---- | pubescent; excisce pools and dry situations Pewen Bewen