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[[2 pages. page one is a cut off portion with only one entry.  Page two is inverted]]

Asplenium _ _ _rooting at apex adiant habit, of N. Gealand — Pewen Bewen 

"[[ditto for Asplenium]] nidus?_ _ _ Illawarra

[[end page]]
[[start page]]

Acrostichum _ _ _lanceolate frond gin: Illawarra Rich

Cyathia? _ _ _ tree 8 to 12 feet, no spine  Illawarra Rich

Tree _ _ _ stem of congeries of stip no spec. Illawarra Rich

Muse. ign_ _ _ Pewen Bewen

Marchantia _ _ _ fine sp Sydney B

"[[ditto for Marchantia]]_ _ _ perhaps different Illawarra Rich

[[?]] _ _ _trees at Pewen Bewen if also Illawara.

Stricta _ _ _ Illawarra Rich

Setratria_ _ _Sydney B

Agaricus_ _ _ Sydney Mas Leay