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long and as hard as when it was growing.  We all learned one lesson, never to rob gardens.  Made 37 miles and camped on the east side in a cottonwood grove.  Killed four wild geese on the way.

July 7th. Off again at 7 o'clock.  Rowed down ten miles, when we came to a canon and stopped to measure the walls.  Height 1050 feet.  Pulled out again at 10 o'clock and rowed until 6 o'clock through [[strikethrough]] charmed [[/strikethrough]] channel that has no more current than a canal.  It is cut through a sandstone plateau about 1500 feet deep.  There are also side canons coming in every quarter of a mile making the top of the Plateau look like a vast field of honey comb.  Passed two rapids today; killed two Otter and four wild geese; made 34 miles and camped on the east side; a few stunted cedars on the side of the cliffs; no timber on the river.

July 8th. Prof. Bradley and Walter climbed the west wall with Barometer; height 1,598 feet. Pulled out at one o'clock and ran down 12 1/2 miles passing nine rapids. Camped on the east side on a sand bar. Small valley near camp covered with sage and greasewood.

July 9th.  Made a portage to begin our day's work, then ran 20 miles with that number of rapids, some of them very bad, and two that compelled us to let down past them with ropes; passed the mouth of a small stream coming in from the west.  Country worthless though imposing as there is some