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Total distance from Uintah river to Virgin river 877 miles.  Rapids ran 414; portages made 62; making 476 bad rapids, which it would be practically out of the question to go up if any one thinks it can,go [[strikethough]]i[[/strikethrough]]on I say.  I never want to see it again anywhere.  Near the Grand Canon it will probably remain unvisited for many years again, as it had nothing to recommend it, but its general desolation or as a study for the geologist.

The Canon from the mouth of the Virgin to Cottonwood Valley is but little better as it is burned to a cinder.  At El[[strikethrough]]c[[/strikethrough]]darado Canon (60 miles from Virgin river) there is a quartz mill running on oares from a mine 6 miles up the canon.  Whether it pays or not is more than I can say, as I could [[strikethrough]]---[[/strikethrough]]not get no sati[[strikethrough]]f[[/strikethrough]]sfaction out of the "Dutch Boss".  There are mines all the way down and the owners have the old story, some triffling thing stopped them for a short time.  What I have seen of Arizona I do not consider worth the settling.  As a disgusted wood choppe[[strikethrough]]d[[/strikethrough]]r expressed it "The whole damned Territory is a bilk"  In Mohave Valley there is some good land but [[strikethrough]]ti[[/strikethrough]] it must be all overflowed or it yields no crops.  It is so - - - - - it cannot be irrigated unless pumped up, and that happens to belong to the Mohave Indians.  They are at peace now but it is hard  to tell how long they will remain so.  They are the largest Indians I have ever seen and differ from the rest.  The dress of the men is much less than the Georgia uniform.  The women wear a girdle of cottonwood or willow back around the lo[[strikethrough]]j[[/strikethrough]]ins and reaching nearly to the knees.