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 ^[[BAE No.441 [last number obscured by folded over corner] ]]
(This page ^[[ [3 LOOSE SHEETS IN ORIG.]  ]] not in Major Powell's handwriting)

(Page 13)

Aug 17th  Left Silver Creek at 8 o'clock and ran a continuous rapid for 3 miles then came to a portage  Made it and ran 1  more during the days runs of 9-3/4  and ran 10 rapids C amped on south side.

Aug. 18th  Made 3 heavy portages in 4 miles  camped on north side.

Aug. 19th   Made two heavy portages and ran 3 very dangerous rapids in 5-1/2 miles  camped on south side.

Aug. 20th   Made 3 portages and ran one bad rapid in 8-1/2 miles  camped on north side.

Aug. 21  Made one portage to begin with then ran six rapids then came to a very dangerous rapid fall of 20 ft. in 300 yards. Made portage on both sides  Made 14 miles today Passed 27 rapids average width of river 60 yards  Camp ? North west wll 400 feet  Camped on south side.

Aug. 22nd  Made 11-1/4 miles  one very bad portage.  north east  Camped on north side.

Aug. 23  Made 3 portages and ran20 rapids in 12-1/2 miles  camp on south side  Passed two streams north

Aug. 24th.  Made 2 portages and passed a dozen rapids in 22-1/4 miles  camped on south side in a lime cave.

Aug. 25th  Ran 13th rapids in 14-1/2 miles then came to lava falls  have portage on both sides then pass a continuous string of rapids  Ran 20-1/2 miles further  Made 35-1/2 miles  camped on north side.  Walls getting lower and more broken.

Aug. 26th  Made 35 miles ran 31 rapids and made one portage  Passed within ^[[?]]  Camped on north side.

Aug. 27th  Made 12 miles  ran a dozen bad rapids then came to cross gulch where Howland Seneca and Dunn left.

109-3/4 miles

Transcription Notes:
mandc: See page 17.