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[[Obverse T]]
[[in four corners]] 貳 2 貳 2 / 遵化馬蘭峪鎮 / 紙幣流通 / 字第  號 / 憑帖取錢貳吊整  / 年 / 月 / 日 / 票 / 北京祥記石印

[[Reverse Text]]
[[in four corners]]  留 神 細 看 / 馬蘭峪 / 商務分會 / 75.3.56[[pencil mark]]

Transcription Notes:
This is a very interesting privately circulated certificate (流通紙幣, shown on obverse side)issued by the merchant association (商務分會, shown on reverse side) of the town of Malanyu (馬蘭峪, shown on obverse side). Malnyu is located approximately 120 miles east of Beijing. This is a 200 or 20 copper coins (貳吊, shown on obverse side). On the four corners of the reverse side, four Chinese characters, 留神細看, meaning pay attention carefully of this certificate.