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List of Employés in Office Chief Quartermaster, and Chief Disbursing Officer, Bureau Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands for the State of North Carolina, Raleigh, North Carolina

[[five column table]]
Names | Where employed | Where born | Whence appointed | Compensation
[[underlined]]Agent[[\underlined]] |  |  |  |  
John A Scarlett [[checkmark]] | Raleigh N.C | New York | New Jersey | $1800

[[underlined]]Clerks[[/underlined]] |  |  |  |  
Wm. Pridehard | [[checkmark]] Raleigh NC | England | Philadelphia | $1200
Albert Kilmer | [[checkmark]] Raleigh N.C. | New York | New York | $1200
Chas. W Scarlett | [[checkmark]] Raleigh N.C. | New Jersey | Illinois | $1200

[[underlined]]Storekeeper.[[/underlined]] |  |  |  | 
John Ashe. [[underlined]]Colt[[/underlined]] | Raleigh N.C | North Carolina | North Carolina | $360

[[underlined]]Messenger[[/underlined]] |  |  |  |
Turner Wright, Colt [[checkmark]] | Raleigh N.C. | South Carolina | North Carolina | $180

[[underlined]]Laborers.[[\underlined]] |  |  |  |
Geo Montgomery. Colt. | Raleigh N.C. | North Carolina | North Carolina | $180
Thomas Boyd " [[ditto for Colt.]] | Raleigh NC | North Carolina | North Carolina | $180

[[end table]]
I certify that the foregoing Report is correct
[[signature]] Thos. N Tohmston [[?]][[/signature]]
Captain +AQM Bu Of Col. 
CqM + DO State NoCa