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[[image - 5 Longines watches]]
Time is of the essence, and he will always have time on his hands if you select a handsome watch for him. Longines Lindbergh Spirit Collection commemorates the 70th anniversary of the famed aviator's historic transatlantic flight. The collection is based on Lindbergh's own design for Longines to aid aerial navigation by enabling the wearer to determine longitude using a rotating bezel and indications of the dial. All watches features the hour, minute, second, split second, date, date corrector, hour angle, angle degree and minute indicator. They are water-resistant up to 100 feet and have a transparent back.  

[[image - guess watch]]
From the air to the sea: For the water sportsman, look for the Guess Waterpro, a sporty, feature-packed watch, water-resistant to 165 feet, available at Stern's. Don't forget that Stern's is conveniently located at 33rd Street and 6th Avenue. Even if Dad is a landlubber, the gift to give it th'ar! 

For a gift horse of a different color, look no further that the Celestial Horse, a replica of the Chinese Han dynasty's superior breed. An historical symbol of prestige and status, this terracotta head of the horse in hand cast and fired, then patinated by hand to match the museum's original. Available at The Metropolitan Museum of Art or one of its shops. Call 1-800-662-3397 for Customer Service.
[[image - statue of horse's head]]

The name on everyone's lips these days is also in the title of a remarkable book published by Sheridan House. If your dad loved to Tony-winning musical, the Oscar-winning move or is simply interested in learning more about the tragedy, Titanic Survivor: The Newly Discovered Memoirs of Violet Jessop Who Survived both the Titanic and Britannic Disasters, is the gift to consider. A former crew member, Ms. Jessop offers a unique perspective on the sinking of the Titanic. This remarkable stewardess, with arguably the best and worst luck in the world, also survived the 1911 collision of the HMS Hawke with the Olympic, before safely writing her memoirs in 1934. The gripping book is introduced, edited and annotated by John Maxtone-Graham.
[[image - Titanic Survivor book]]


RESERVED Teachers Night on Broadway [[repeated across top of page]]


TIAA-CREF is a sponsor of
Teachers' Night on Broadway
Theatre Development Fund,
The League of American Theatres and Producers,
The United Federation of Teachers, and
The New York City Board of Education.

TIAA-CREF, with $224 billion in assets under management, provides retirement income and insurance protection to almost 2 million people nationwide. And now, TIAA-CREF offers its new, no-load mutual funds to all individual investors.

TIAA-CREF is dedicated to the belief that the over one million school children of New York City deserve a chance to become the theater audience of tomorrow. Call 1 1800 842-1924, Dept. D4X or find us on the Internet:


Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association
College Retirement Equities Fund
730 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10017-3206

RESERVED Teachers Night on Broadway [[repeated along the bottom]]

(C)1998 Teachers Insurance and Annuity Association-College Retirement Equities Fund, 730 Third Avenue, New York, NY