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"Memphis Bound" Wins Critics' Tributes

"A bull's eye hit - another 'Show Boat'!" - Robert Barland, Journal-American
"A sixteen-cylinder musical. It roared into the Big Town with a load of gayety, headed by Bill Robinson's dansational performance." - Walter Wichell
"It has been too many years since I have seen a musical with the zip, the stomp and the whoosh of 'Memphis Bound.' 'Memphis Bound' has breeze!" -Earl Wilson
"Robinson has never been more triumphant." - Howard Barnes, Herald-Tribune
The whole operation can safely be put down as a success." - Wolcott Gibbs, The New Yorker
"'Memphis Bound' is the town's newest hit - swiftly paced, uproariously gay." - Louis Sobol, Journal-American
"Another hit. Bill Robinson, the best tap dancer in the world and sweet actor, on Broadway again as the star of 'Memphis Bound,' a lively, good-looking, buoyant show providing him with all he needs for delighting audiences." - Arthur Pollock, B'klyn. Eagle
"A gay and eye-filling evening. . .Calls for some joyful dancing on the part of Manhattan's playgoers." -Herrick Brown -Sun
"A terrific entertainment buy." -Ed Sullivan, Daily News
"As high-spirited as it is slaphappy. . .There is plenty of fizz in 'Memphis Bound.' It has attractive girls, gay and colorful sets, hot dance routines. It has Bill Robinson tapping superbly and more of a personality than ever." -Time Magazine