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Four The BRONZEMAN Bouquets and Bombshells [[image - cartoon around title showing man seated at table with a vase of flowers reading and another man looking in through a door smashing something against the wall]] [[box]] The Bronzeman's Free For All - What You Write We'll Publish Whether A Knock Or A Boost. THE EDITOR [[/box]] A Georgia Booster Arlington, Ga. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I find THE BRONZEMAN to be a great panacea. No one who is tired, lonesome or blue, can read it without noting an improved mental state. Here in our town, we have an agent, Mrs. Lillian B. Essic. She is one of our best citizens. I have been purchasing THE BRONZEMAN from her each month and consider it quite a privilege not only to be able to purchase a magazine of this kind, but incidentally to patronize a worthy agent in the person of Mrs. Essic. the publication which has an appeal to both the old and young. P.S. Lockhart. A Popular Jurist Municipal Court, Chicago, Ill. In Chambers. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I am very happy to subscribe to THE BRONZEMAN and am herewith enclosing a check for one year. You have always been kind and courteous to me and I am only too glad to help in any way I can. With best regards and wishing your magazine the best success in its progress, Edgar A. Jonaes. A Tennessee Recruit Sewanee, Tenn. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I think THE BRONZEMAN is a marvelous publication. I hope to be a constant reader. You are to be commended for giving to the public this illustrious magazine which should be in every home and which I am sure is doing much to further good reading in our group. Mrs. Eugie H. Childress. From The Nation's Capital Washignton, D. C. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: Just a line or two to let you know that you are in our thoughts and I hope everything is going well with you. I am glad to note the continued progress evidenced in the pages and front pages of THE BRONZEMAN. I am happy that you are meeting with such deserved success and wish for you a bounteous increase. Morris Lewis, Sec'y to Congressman Oscar DePriest. Says Bronzeman A Leader Jackson, Mich. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I am a constant reader of your wonderful magazine. I have read it from cover to cover and I consider it one of the outstanding publications of its kind. I note that it is neatly edited, it's free from typographical errors, possesses beautiful and attractive pictures and has a general high literary value. Such efficiency prompts me to say that your magazine is more promising than any other if its type. Adolphus Linton. Likes Bagley Stories Dora, Alabama Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I am a reader of your wonderful magazine that you send monthly to our little southern town, procuring it from our agent here, Miss Sanders. I hope that you will continue to keep our community supplied with THE BRONZEMAN. Every month, I find it more and more interesting and I shall be proud to have it broadcast to the reading public of my approval. I especially like the story, "INTRODUCING HERSELF" written by Julian Elihu Bagley. I hope to read more of his work. There is no special feature that one can find it possible to improve, for everything from cover to cover is excellent. It is the foremost publication for and by Negroes and I will never be without it. Wishing you success, I am J. A. Davis. A Noted Prelate Atlanta, Ga. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: Your letter received, also a copy of THE BRONZEMAN for which I heartily thank you. I am herewith enclosing my subscription to your magazine. I enjoy reading it and wish to thank you for calling my attention to the lapse of my subscription. Bishop J. S. Flipper. None Superior Cincinnati, Ohio Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: Allow me to say that in my judgment this is the most wonderful magazine I have been permitted to read. I chanced to run across it recently and am not possessed of words to say how happy I am. There may be some as good, but I am sure there is no magazine that for interest, make-up and general appearance excels your splendid publication. Mrs. Corene Vinegar. A Tennessee Author Hartsville, Tenn. Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: I chanced to borrow THE BRONZEMAN magazine the other day from a cousin of mine. Since reading it, I find it to be wonderful and am amazed that it possesses such interesting reading matter. This is the first magazine I have ever read published entirely by Negroes. Being a Negro myself, it goes without saying that I am deeply interested in all enterprises for and by Negroes. You may rest assured that from now on I shall endeavor to do all in my power for the upbuilding of the Negro race, my inspiration has not been aroused from the knowledge that has recently come to me through contact with THE BRONZEMAN. Be assured that I shall give my assistance in any way you may see fit to command. Please send me a sample copy of THE BRONZEMAN. My subscription will follow shortly. Mrs. Hazel L. Wright. From A Hoosier Mitchell, Indiana Editor, THE BRONZEMAN: It is a great pleasure for me to tell you how thoroughly delighted I am with your magazine. It is a wonderful agency for stimulating intelligence among us younger boys and girls. I want you to put me down as a booster and assure you that I shall volunteer every effort to popularize THE BRONZEMAN and make it the successful venture that it deserves to be. Ernest Tilford.