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The BRONZEMAN Five The BRONZEMAN A Popular Magazine for All CASWELL W. CREWS Editor HENRY N. BACON Managing Editor Volume 3 JUNE, 1933 Number 7 [[image - drawing of an Egyptian Pharaoh]] In Our July Issue My Sacrifice An unusual story of a lad, wise beyond his years, but powerless in the grasp of a consuming fire. He saw himself slipping helpless to do aught. When destruction seemed imminent, salvation came through the devotion of a woman--T'will linger in your memory. A New Type of Widow Myrle had ideas of her own. A small town devotee of the screen, she led a dream existence; a fortune fell in her lap and off to the big town to live her own life from which men would be excluded. Her plans went well until--but let R. L. Simpson delight you with this irresistible narrative. A Woman Wallops Satan 27,000 souls salvaged. All America knows of Mary G. Evans, but not as revealed in this intimate glimpse into her thirty years of ministry as given by Joseph Wellington Evans. Read this and see if you agree with those who contend that women should not preach. ******** Other Interesting Stories and Features by the Best Writers TABLE OF CONTENTS for JUNE COVER DESIGN.....Page 1 Charles C. Dawson TRUE STORIES Her Own Daughter.....Joy White 9 Illustrated by Charles C. Dawson FICTION Puppy Love.....Edward A. Neal 14 Illustrated by Charles C. Dawson A Desert Tale.....Russell Garner 22 Illustrated by Gerald Watson ARTICLES Sieges And Fortunes of Distinguished Negroes...Hubert V. Simon 12 A Message to High School Graduates.....George Washington 17 SPECIAL FEATURES Bouquets and Bombshells.....The Reader's Forum 4 THE BRONZEMAN Shopping Service.....Joy Jean 18 Take It Or Leave It.....Caswell W. Crews 21 Excerpts From the Negro Press.....33 The Field Of Religion.....Dr. Solomon Porter Hood 26 Who's Who in THE BRONZEMAN.....34 POETRY I Find It All In You.....William H. Shackleford 10 Eve Expelled.....Jonathan Brooks 23 A Farewell To Dad.....Caswell W. Crews 24 [[line]] [[image - drawing of woman's face smiling]] PUBLISHED MONTHLY BY FIRESIDE PUBLICATIONS, Inc. Publication Offices, 165 S. Main Street, Spencer, Indiana Executive and Editorial Offices, 418 East 47th St., Chicago, Ill. W. B. ZIFF COMPANY, Advertising Representative, 608 South Dearborn Street, Chicago. Entered as second class matter February 3, 1933, at the post office, Spencer, Indiana, under act of March 3, 1879. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations Copyright 1933 by Fireside Publications, Inc. A. A. RAYNER.....President CASWELL W. CREWS..Vice-President H. G. HALL.....Secretary-Treasurer HENRY N. BACON..General Manager Special articles, short stories and true stories desired, also pictures and interesting material dealing with Negro life and problems. All rights reserved. All manuscripts should be typewritten and accompanied by return postage. We assume no responsibility for unsolicited material. 10 cents a copy, $1.00 a year in the United States and Possessions, also Canada, Mexico and Panama. All other countries, $2.00 per year.