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Why the 
Metropolitan Funeral System Association 
Is the Largest of Its Kind in the Country

FIRST--THE METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION is original. This association operates under the laws of the State of Illinois, under direct supervision of the Department of Trade and Commerce, Division of Insurance. METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION is fully qualified under these rigid laws. 

SECOND--More than 140,000 persons in our great city hold membership certificates issued by METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION.

THIRD--This association was built on service. Every claim has been equitably settled, and members have received protection as stipulated in membership certificates.

FOURTH--METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION is the only funeral system association to erect a palatial office building. A beautiful chapel and display rooms and every modern convenience in the undertaking profession are provided for members.

FIFTH -- Last -- but most important -- THE METROPOLITAN FUNERAL SYSTEM ASSOCIATION employs more men and women than any organization of its kind in the country. This association is an asset to any community in which it operates.

When looking for PROTECTION, demand the BEST. Telephone Atlantic 3030. A courteous representative will interview you.

Metropolitan Funeral Parlors
418 East 47th Street
Atlantic 3030
Chicago, Illinois