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AUGUST 10, 1934    PRICE FREE    5000 THIS ISSUE

In This Issue
Sport News
On the Spot
After Midnight
A Menu for Sunday 
Popularity Contest
Entry Blank 
Page 4

>> Who Are the Most Popular Girls in St. Louis? $100.00 in cash prizes will be given to the ten most popular girls in the Adviser Weekly's popularity contest. >> See rules and entry blank on page 4.

In Every Issue

It Concerns Us 
By The Observer
Be in Fashion 
By Georgeen Harrington 
Poems, Proverbs 
and Helpful Hints

From the U.E. & C. League

The United Economic & Commercial League is closing its first year of activity and service to the community.

The league has had a wonderful response from the business, professional people and community at large. We especially want to thank the ministers of the city, the Y.M.C.A. and other civic organizations for the splendid cooperation in helping us to bring our program to the public. A finer spirit was never demonstrated.

Dr. Albert Heard, founder and president of the league, has been the guiding spirit in "Spend your dollars effectively and wisely." Dr. Heard has been a tireless worker in advocating that we support enterprises that give our group consideration and to develop institutions of our own. It is the hope of the president and officers of the league that the years of 1934 and 1935 will be banner years in our struggle for economic independence.

[[image - black and white photograph of Dr. Albert Heard]]
[[caption]]Dr. Albert Heard, President[[/caption]]

Dr. Heard is a graduate of Morehouse College, of Mehany Medical School, interned at City Hospital No. 2 and is now a successful practicing physician and surgeon, with offices at 8-A North Jefferson.

In an interview with Dr. Heard on the future of the league, the president was enthusiastic over the program the officers have adopted for the coming year. I see no reason why we shouldn't serve the public in a much larger way this year," said Dr. Heard. "The officers are doing everything possible to enroll every livewire business
(Continued on Page 6)