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[[underlined]] Della Blue [[/underlined]] 14 years old
Left her employee Mr Repiton to go to Fayetteville. [[underlined]] Sent to Camp Jackson- as we could not get transportation to Fayetteville

[[underlined]] Tom Saunders [[/underlined]] (Colr'd)

Mr Jno H. Saunders promised him part of his crop, at the last refused to feed him, & Tom had to leave on that account Wants to get his personal effect & back pay if possible 
[[underlined]] Action [[/underlined]] Gave him a letter to Mr Saunders asking him to show reasons etc. to report by letter or personally on Thursday

[[underlined]] West Sampson [[/underlined]] (Colr'd)  Twelve or thirteen years ago made agreement (verbal) with March Walker for a small house on Front & Queen Sts Wilmington built a house & tried to buy the land, but could get no proper title. Walker boarded with him and died there, before death he told S. that the ground was to be his. Mr Thomas Brown was executor and after Walkers death Sampson presented bill of $120. for board & care of Walker, which was not paid. Mr Brown regularly claimed and was paid taxes, now claims $50.00 for taxes

[[underlined]] Action [[/underlined]] Letter sent to Mr Brown asking him to show reasons for claim telling not to pay untill ordered from here

[[underlined]] Kitty Moore [[/underlined]] Clr'd
Planted on Mrs Moores farm five miles from N.E. River during Mrs Ms absence farmed herself since March  Mrs Moore now claims [[strikethrough]] half [[/strikethrough]] portion

[[underlined]] Action]] Set to Mrs Moore requesting her to show cause &c

J. R. Robinson Grovely Plantations- Charges Bill (Colrd) with threats &c keeping an interloper- Ordered intoloper off