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   | Rhoddy Plead Guilty.

Action | Imposed a fine upon Said Rhoddy of twenty five (25) Dollars, to be paid to Said Mary.  She retaining her Share of the Crop.

Case 5" | Council Best endeavors to sell at Public Sale all of the Crop on a leased Plantation.  Proved by White Citizens that he intended to defraud Six Families out of their Summer Labor

Action | Sent out a Millitary force and stopped Said Sale until Said Best would comply with the following Contract "To give to Said ^[[Six]] laborers & Families 1/3 corn crop 1/3 Sugar Cane 1/3 Peas 1/3 Beans 1/3 Potatoes 1/3 Poultry 200" Cotton, 12 Hogs averaging 200" each.  Also to set apart 100 Bushels of old corn & 12 pieces of Bacon, as provisions to last untill the crops are gathered"   Said Six families to remain on Plantation untill Christmas.  Contract complied with and Sale proceeded

Case 6" | David Lee ordered one man and family to leave his plantation on account of a qurrell between the families

Action | Ordered that David Lee furnish clothing one suit each to the family, and pay the laborer (colored) Eight Dollars per Month "Which was complied with"  Laborer sought and find employment for self and family the same day

Case 7" | James Johnson.  Whipped two of his laborers colored and drove them from his Plantation.  (No doubt they deserved the whipping)

Action | Ordered that Johnson pay said laborers the sum of (10) Ten dollars per month. The Laborers ordered to seek employment elsewhere  "Neither party satisfied"  Gave [[strikethrough]] sensible [[/strikethrough]] suitable advice to both parties.