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Bureau of Refugees Freedmen and Abandoned Lands
Head Quarters Assistant Commissioner State of North Carolina
Raleigh N C October 14th 1865

Circular Letter

1. This Bureau being in the War Department its Officers and Agents are Subject to military jurisdiction and all their decisions and acts are Subject to review by the General Commanding the Department

2. In all cases of difficulty between Freedmen or between Freedmen and Whites Officers of this Bureau have authority to Summon the parties before them for examination and when their refusal to appear may request the nearest District or Post Commander to arrest him

3. After careful investigation Officers of this Bureau may punish offenders guilty of light offenses by fines and exceeding one hundred dollars ($100) or by imprisonment not exceeding thirty (30) days. Cases of grave crime where there seems to be clear evidences of guilt will be reported to the District Commander with the charges preferred and the names of witnesses

4. Where practicable Officers of this Bureau will associate with them one or two citizens of each county acceptable to both classes in their respective Districts to assist in the adjudication of difficulties arising therein. 

[[signature]] E Whittlesey [[/signature]] Col. & Assist Comr

O O Howard Maj Gen 
^[[A Copy]]