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no 1.

Negro Families at Linwood Davidson County N. Carolina formerly owned by Dr. W. R. Holt — December 1865

[[5 column list]]
[[number]] | [[name/description]] | [[age in years]] | [[& months]] | [[additional identifying information]]

1. | Harriet (dark) | 52. | 4. " [[ditto for months]] | husband transported for crime 

2. | (her children) |   |   | dont work 

3. | Abram (copper) | 23. | 5. " [[ditto for months]] | has Dorcas, for wife but live separate

4 | Mary dark | 17. | 7. " [[ditto for months]] |     

5. | X Jesse " [[ditto for dark]] | 15. | 8. "  [[ditto for months]] | $100.

6. | X Douglas " [[ditto for dark]] | 12. | 2. " [[ditto for months]] | $100.

6. [[strikethrough]] 7 [[/strikethrough]] | Betsy - " [[ditto for dark]] | 10. | 2. " [[ditto for months]] |

[[right bracketed]] no Father or Mother
Harriets G. children
8. | X Tilda — dark | 13. | 9. " [[ditto for months]] | $50

8. [[strikethrough]] 9 [[/strikethrough]] | X Columbus " [[ditto for dark]] | 11. | 3. " [[ditto for months]] | $75 
[[/right bracketed]]
[[/5 column list]]