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Jim Stewart being duly sworn" State that him and his brother was "at Mr Hawkins and Mr Hawkins wanted Roan Stewart to pay for some flour that his sister had got from him when the said Roan Stewart was sick When Mr Martin steped up while Mr Hawkins was talking to said Roan Stewart and told Roan Stewart to leave and Roan Stewart said let me reason the case with Mr Hawkins and then Mr Marten threw down his cane and picked up the pitch fork that was lying on the ground and struck Roan Stewart Twiste across the arm the fork or stick was as Large as his Rist Mr Hawkins Daughter wanted Mr Martin to go and keep her father from Hurting said Roan Stewart, Knew Mr Martin did not Like Roan Stewart but Roan wanted to see his sister and see what amount of flour his ^[sister] had got from Mr Hawkins and what it was worth and he would pay Mr Hawkins for it.

J.P. Reid being duly sworn state that he was called on the night of the 20th "of August 1865" to assist in the setting of the said Roan Stewarts Arm it being broke both bones of the left arm and he said that the said Roan Stewart said at the time that he was thus setting his arm that Mr Martin broke it.

D W Steel Being Duly Sworn state that Mr Martin was charge of Mr Hutchins farm and that Mr Martin was one a Patroler and he arrested said Roan Stewart and if he ran from him or Pestered him he would shoot the said Roan Stewart this in the year 1864 when Roan Steward came home from the army D W Steel being one of the Home Guards at the time