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North Carolina   }
Columbus County  }

This day came before me Henry H Holton, a justice of the Peace in and for said County. David M. Hobbs who being sworn saith on oath that he is well acquainted with Ben Simpson a freedman, that he is a person of general bad character, has no regard for truth, could not believe him under oath, that he has made false representations to him; he has frequently heard other freedmen say that they could not believe him under oath. He further swears that he is well acquainted with Benjamin M. Richardson, that he is an upright and worthy citizen, that he has frequently had freedmen in his employ, that he has never heard any complaint as to his treatment of them, that he has uniformly treated them with kindness, paying them for their labor according to contract and agreement, that he knows Daniel Bagly a freed boy in Richardson employ, that he goes decently clothed and look well, that he never heard him make any complaint against Richardson about treatment or pay, that in politics, he believes Mr Richardson to have been a Union man during the [[underlined]] rebellion [[/underlined]] 

[[signature]] Daniel M. Hobbs [[/signature]] {Seal}

Signed Sealed and Sworn to before me and I certify that Mr Hobbs is a gentleman of respectable character
March 19th 1866
[[signature]] H. H. Holton [[/signature]] J.P. {Seal}