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Bagby left Mr Richardson something like a month. When he returned his clothes were much out of order, not as good as when he left. Richardson had given him a new coat just before he left. Since his return, has furnished him with new clothes, suitable for Sunday wear. I have never heard Bagby make any complaint since his return, he appears satisfied and works well pays better attention to Mr Richardson's business and seems better satisfied than before he left. Bagby is well treated at Mr Richardsons

[[signature]] Mr Edward Thorne [[signature]] {seal}
Signed, sealed and sworn to before me
March 19th 1866,

[[signature]] H.H. Hatton [[/signature]] J.P {seal}

Then came William H. Henry, who being sworn saith, I have been about Mr Richardson for about four months. I am from Pennsylvania am here as a surveyor. Mr Richardson has freedmen about him, so far as I have observed he treats them with kindness and humanity, I was present when two freedman who had been in Richardson's employ came from Barbers, they complained of not having been well fed while there nor had they been paid; they expressed the desire to return again to Mr Richardson's,  Daniel Bagby told me, that he had agreed to remain with Richardson till he was twenty one years of age, was to receive food and clothing, at the end of the time, two suits