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November 6th., 1948.

Dear Miss Miller:

Perhaps this letter is going to lead you to believe I have some deep interest in the Contemporary Arts Association of Houston, as I am following up our correspondence of September in which you informed me that correspondence addressed to the organization was returned.

This morning's mail brought an elaborate brochure from them....but without any indication of address!  I therefore contacted the Museum of Modern Art which has furnished the material for the Houston exhibition, and am told that when the shipment was made the Association's own building was not yet in readiness, so it was sent in care of the Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, Houston, Texas.

I am passing this data along to you because an effort such as the one cited needs the support and collaboration of all of us, and most galleries rely upon the Art Annual ^[[for]] these reasons.

Yours very sincerely,

Mrs. T. D. Parker
Contemporary American Art.

Miss Peggy Miller,
American Federation of Arts,
22 E. 60th. St.,
N.Y.21, N.Y.


Transcription Notes:
. oal for O.A. Liechti