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[[underlined]] FRIDAY AFTERNOON [[/underlined]], cont.   -2-

2:15  Announcements and Introduction

2:30 to 5:00 P.M. - General statement of topic followed by reports on U. S. State Department Programs, the Fulbright Act, AFA Exhibition Activities and Plans.  Open discussions.  Report on the Magazine of Art.

[[underlined]] EVENING [[/underlined]]

5:30 to 7:30 - AFA Cocktail Party at Philadelphia Art Alliance, 251 S. 18th Street, to meet invited speakers, officers, and Trustees.

8:00  Dinner at Bellevue-Stratford Hotel, Roof Garden.  Informal Dress.

9:00  Keynote Speech - "America's Cultural Responsibilities in the World Today"

[[underlined]] SATURDAY, JUNE 2 [[/underlined]]

(All Saturday sessions, including lunch, will be held at the Philadelphia Museum of Art, Parkway at 26th Street.)

[[underlined]] MORNING [[/underlined]]


To what extent do the various media of mass information and communication promote cultural interests in this country?  Do they represent the true level of public interest and cultural intelligence?  Is there an expanding sense of public curiosity about these matters?  Can these information and communication media risk fostering it?  Can they risk not doing so?  Are there practical steps toward achieving a greater responsibility for cultural enthusiasm in the United States than now exist?  If so, in what ways can the AFA through its chapter and individual members be of service?

(Note:  AFA Morning session at the Philadelphia Museum of Art delayed to allow attendance at Museum Association, International Session, Meeting scheduled for a 9:15 start at the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.)

10:45  Announcements and Introduction

11:00 to 1:00 P.M.  This topic will be examined from a number of different viewpoints by outstanding figures in the following fields:  Radio and Television, the Press, the Art Museums, the Movies, Advertising, and the Comics.

[[underlined]] LUNCH [[/underlined]]:  A Brief Annual Open Meeting

1:15 to 2:30 - Final Announcements, Elections, Communications from Chapters.

[[underlined]] AFTERNOON [[/underlined]]:
 2:45 to 4:30 - Art Film Session:  Showing and discussion of an art film "Package Program" being prepared for circulation on a trial basis as a low-cost, high quality, hour program of art films suitable for museums, universities, art schools, and other art institutions.

All speakers listed separately on enclosure.

May 16, 1951