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[[underlined]]Paragraph 3[[/underlined]]. The Officer shall serve for one (1) year, or until their successors are elected.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 4[[/underlined]]. The duties of Officers shall be as specified in the By-Laws.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 5[[/underlined]]. In recognition of outstanding service rendered to the Federation, the Trustees may elect, for terms of one (1) year, Honorary Vice Presidents; the total number of these, at any time, shall not exceed five (5).

ARTICLE VIII [[underlined]]COMMITTEES[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]Paragraph 1[[/underlined]]. There shall be the following Standing Committees: Executive, Budget and Nominations.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 2[[/underlined]]. The Chairman of each Standing Committee shall be appointed by the President. The members of Standing Committees shall be appointed by the President in consultation with the Chairmen thereof.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 3[[/underlined]]. Operational Committees and committees for special purposes, may be appointed from time to time, by the President, as the business of the Federation may require.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 4[[/underlined]]. Duties and number of members of Standing Committees shall be as specified in the By-Laws. Duties of Operational and of Special Committees shall be as specified by the President, with the advice of the Executive Committee of the Board.

[[underlined]]Paragraph 5[[/underlined]]. All members of Standing Committees must be Trustees of the Federation. Chairmen of Operational and of Special Committees shall also be Trustees.

ARTICLE IX [[underlined]]PROFESSIONAL STAFF[[/underlined]] In addition to an administrative officer, who shall be called the Director, there shall be a professional Staff of employees, in such number and with such functions as may be approved by the Executive Committee on recommendation of the Director.

ARTICLE X [[underlined]]BY-LAWS[[/underlined]] not inconsistent with this Constitution may be adopted and amended by the Board or the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.

ARTICLE XI [[underlined]]AMENDMENT OF THE CONSTITUTION[[/underlined]] This Constitution may be amended at any general meeting of the membership of the Federation, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Individual Members and Chapter delegates present. In the case of a special meeting of Members, called for the purpose of amending this Constitution, notice of the meeting, including wording of amendments to be proposed, shall be mailed twenty (20) days in advance of the date of meeting.