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[[preprinted]] [[image - logo of a stylized bird in the shape of "AFA"]] THE AMERICAN FEDERATION OF ARTS

1083 FIFTH AVENUE * NEW YORK 28 * NEW YORK * SACRAMENTO 2-2452 [[/preprinted]]

^[[ [JUNE 1958] ]]

Dear Member:

    The American Federation of Arts wishes to thank you for the renewal of your membership and we are pleased to enclose your membership card for the coming year.

     We do hope that you continue to enjoy the many benefits A F A offers its members.

     The President and the Board of Trustees join me in expressing their appreciation for your confidence and heartwarming support of our program.

                    Very sincerely yours,
                     ^[[Florence S. Benedict]]
                     Florence S. Benedict (Mrs.)
                     Secretary for Membership
