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^[[Jolli (1700-1777)]]

July 24th, 1942

Dear Alfonso:

Before leaving for the country and with the possibility of your departing from New York before my return on Monday, I am sending you these few lines regarding the architectural paintings by Antonio [[strikethrough]] Joly [[/strikethrough]] [[boxed]] ^[[Joly]] [[/boxed]] which I showed you here at the galleries this afternoon.

I have just been in touch with the owner on the long distance wire regarding photographs of the other pair of Jolys I mentioned to you, but I cannot obtain any photographs before Wednesday or Thursday of next week.

In case you should go back to Bogota before that date, would you be so kind as to leave your address where I can write to you, or the name and address of the proper government office with which I would have to communicate on this matter?  I do hope, however, that you will still be in New York and that I shall see you on Monday. 

Again many thanks for the nice lunch and all your kindnesses. 


(R. H. Waegen)

Dr. Alfonso Araujo
Suite 2743
Waldorf Towers
50th Street and Park Avenue 
New York, New York