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him again, - he seems to be such a nice man.

How long do you think you will remain in Rome?  I would be awfully glad to have a few lines from you and know of all the goings-on in the Holy City.

From here, I can only report little; general depression like everywhere, but our little family still manages to keep its head above water.

Starr is well; saw Myron a couple of time, and Herman seems to be in extremely good spirits, due to the fact that his business only suffered very little, not tosay, hardly at all.

I have not as yet set a definite date for my Spring arrival in Paris, which will be somewhere around the beginning of May.

By the bye, I forgot to tell you that Frank Rediker is out west, in Bertie Vanderbilt's private car - serious competition with Mogens Tveede.  It's a riot, I can tell you!

But enough for today.  Looking forward to hearing from you soon, and hoping that these lines find you as good and cheerful as ever, I remain with all my good wishes to you and my kindest regards to Cornelia,

Yours ever,

Raymond Armsby, Esq.
Palazzo Collonna,
23 Via Dello Pilotte,
Rome, Italy.