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Pepsi-Cola, Upjohn, La Tausca, Scruggs-Vandervoort-Barney.

● A public relations approach, developed around the concept of bringing fine art to the consumer, can enlist the editorial
support of newspapers, the radio and special interest groups on a level at which commercial publicity is generally excluded.

● The interest of civic groups and organizations in art movements enables the manufacturer to offer retailers unusual traffic promotions.

[[marginalia]] the procedure [[/marginalia]]

The procedure for setting up an ART IN INDUSTRY project involves three phases.

● With the assistance of artists and their representatives, ART IN INDUSTRY selects and groups paintings according to their appropriateness to different industries.

● Research programs are conducted by ART IN INDUSTRY to discover the techniques for adapting fine art to specific industries, as well as the procedures for merchandising and promotion of the final products. Co-ordinated plans