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20 East 57th Street
New York

^[[Copy sent G.S. 5/18/31]]

May 16, 1931

Mr. Germaine Seligmann
Jacques Seligmann & Co.
3 East 51st Street
New York City

My dear Mr. Seligmann:

Your order for one copy of the $40.00 edition of the book, REMBRANDT PAINTINGS IN AMERICA by Dr. W.R. Valentiner, which I am publishing, is on file in this office.

The task of compiling this important book has taken more time than was anticipated due to the careful research work that it necessitated. However, the book will be ready for distribution in September and your copy will go forward to you at the earliest possible moment.

Thanking you for your order, I beg to remain,

Very sincerely,
[[signature]] SW Frankel [[/signature]]