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[[preprinted]] ART NEWS FOUNDED 1902
Telephone: Templeton 8-3730
Cable Address: Artenews, New York [[/preprinted]]

January 31, 1958

Jacques Seligmann & Co., Inc.
5 East 57th St.
New York, N.Y.


It is with great pleasure that ART NEWS announces its March issue will be devoted to the re-opening of the ^[[pencil underline]] Cleveland Museum [[/pencil underline]] and the dedication of its new wing. The editorial will not only show some of the past masters which have been acquired by the museum, but will also show, for the first time, new acquisitions.

We felt that, as one of the major galleries in the United States, you would wish to support this special edition by taking space. The deadline for copy is February 10th. For your convenience, I am enclosing a rate card and contract.

Naturally, there will be additional copies distributed in Cleveland over and above our usual circulation of nearly 40,000. I sincerely hope we will have the privilege of carrying your advertising in this very special issue.

I remain,

Yours sincerely
[[signature]] Gerald A Cripps [[/signature]]
Gerald A. Cripps
Vice President and Advertising Director

enclosures (2)

400 ]]