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October 24th, 1938

Dear Miss Roullier:

Mrs. Goodspeed has asked me to confirm to you certain details about the Juan Gris Exhibition which we are planning to send on to you as soon after its close here (December 10th) as is possible.

If I understand correctly, your exhibition will open January 1st or 2nd, so that if the pictures are shipped from here within a week of December 10th, this should give you ample time for hanging and arranging the exhibition.

At the present writing I can only give you an approximation of the number of pictures that we will have.  There will be about fifteen pictures coming from Europe, which include both loans from private collections abroad and our own pictures.  You can count on all of these, and in the event of the sale of any during the exhibition here, we will try to arrange to have the new owner agree to send his or her picture out to you.

In addition to the above fifteen pictures there will be about ten from American collections and museums, making a total of about twenty-five pictures in all.

As regards this latter group, I told Mrs. Goodspeed that I thought it would carry much more weight and probably would have better results if you wrote on official Arts Club stationery asking for the extended loan of these pictures for your exhibition.  At the present writing the list is not absolutely complete, but I am giving you herewith the list of people who have definitely consented to lend their pictures so far:-

Museum of Modern Art, New York City -- Still Life, "Le Journal"

Mr. A. E. Gallatin, Gallery of Living Art, New York University - "Violin"

Smith College Museum of Art, Northampton, Mass. -- Still Life, "Collage"
Still Life, "Le Journal"

Mr. Sidney Janis, 1 West 85th St., New York City -- "Pipe et Livre Ouvert"

Mrs. Charles B. Goodspeed, Chicago -- Still Life

